The Sawtooth Star quilt-along (beginner friendly but everyone’s invited :-)

The quilt-along starts Saturday 30th September- see below for more details!

When I first started quilting back in 2019, it was via a lot of hacked together Youtube videos. But quilting brings me SO much joy that I want as many people to do it as possible, hence why I pulled together my free Quilting 101 series. But what better way to put new found knowledge into practice than a beginner quilt along!

To join the quilt-along, you can sign-up at the link below- you will receive the pattern on the next screen once you click submit :-) (Please note, this is a separate sign-up, so if you have already subscribed to jozmakesquilts, you will need to sign-up again)

The Sawtooth star is a very common, traditional quilt block and there are many ways to make it. I chose to do just half square triangles (HSTs) to make it as meditative and simple as possible, and it also means it’s super efficient from a fat quarter perspective:

  • I love making patterns when it’s the same step over and over which means while you are making the quilt, you can really immerse yourself in a really good podcast or audiobook.

  • I try minimise fabric waste as much as possible and it’s a huge consideration for me in terms of the sizes of shapes when I’m writing a pattern- it means it’s better for the environment and cheaper for you :-)

The pattern is FREE and I have included the fabric requirements below:

NB: There was a version of the pattern that said you need 16 fat quarters for the large throw in error- this has since been fixed but wanted to let you know in case you received that version- sorry for the mix up!

Scribbly Gum Quilt Co has kits available if you want to make a version of this quilt!

The quilt along starts on Saturday, 30th September and will roughly run to this schedule but of course feel free to run to your own schedule :-)

Week 1 (30th September): Choosing our fabrics

Week 2 (7th October): Cutting

Week 3 (14th October): HSTs Part 1

Week 4 (21st October): HSTs Part 2

Week 5 (28th October): Sewing our quilt tops together

Week 6 (4th November): The quilt sandwich

Week 7 (11th November): Quilting

Week 8 (18th November): Batting and finishing

Each week will include tutorials on how to do each of the steps as well as an opportunity to ask any questions you might have.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I’ve opened up the comments below so if you have any questions, feel free to add them below and I will respond to them as soon as possible :-)

What tools do I need? You can find a list of the must haves, the very useful to haves and the nice to haves here.

Are there kits available? Yes, Scribbly Gum Quilt Co has fabric kits to make the same version as me, as well as beginner tool kits and beginner hand sewing kits :-)


Quilting 101, Lesson 7b- Quilting (the sewing machine edition)


Baste, Quilt and Bind as desired… what?