Why did you decide to sell Scribbly Gum, Joz?

"Why on earth would you sell Scribbly Gum? That's an absolute dream job!" I'll try and explain :-)

As you may have seen from some of my other blog posts, ever since I was little, I’ve always loved slow crafts- knitting, crocheting, embroidery, sewing, cross stitch, long stitch, decoupage... but I’ve always had a very short attention span with them- after a month or two, I’d get sick of it and my knitting needles/ needles/ sewing machine / paper paraphernalia would go back in the cupboard only to be resurfaced again a few years later, when I might suddenly get the urge to start knitting another scarf... or in most cases, never.

So when I decided to start quilting, I figured I’d probably make a quilt or two, scratch my creative itch, and then my sewing machine and newly purchased quilting rulers would go back into the cupboard, never to be used again. Except for this craft, it didn’t happen this way. Instead, the more I did it, the more I became hooked. Quilting became the only hobby that I've really ever had that I have stuck with for more than a few weeks- and one that has brought me SO much joy. While at work, I was excited to get home that night to start sewing. Nothing planned on the weekend? No worries, I could spend hours quilting! I even took my sewing machine with me on a few road trips.

Twelve months after starting quilting, Australia’s first lockdown amidst the early days of Covid-19, descended upon us. During this time, I decided to start selling curated bundles of quilting fabric. I was doing plenty of quilting (there wasn't much else I could do during my spare time) and couldn’t find anyone else selling curated bundles in Australia. The chain fabric stores seemed to think that putting bright purple, army print and a Toy Story fabric together was "curated". I thought it would be a fun little side hustle to do on my weekends- a way of funding my own fabric purchases for new favourite hobby. I bought a few bolts of fabric, set up an Etsy store and Scribbly Gum Quilt Co was born!

Amazingly, thanks to my genuinely wonderful customers and now friends, it took off and after a few months started creeping into my nights and weekends while I was still working full time. I LOVED it. Every time the "ding" of a sale came through, I would feel a thrill of excitement and joy, and I loved everything about running a little fabric store. Eventually in December 2020 after month on month growth, I decided it was too good an opportunity to pass up and handed in my three months notice at my job. My husband and I moved to the country (that’s another story in itself) and Scribbly Gum went from my side hustle to full time job!

When I left the corporate world in March 2021, I started my dream job. I got to play with fabric ALL day. Sewing quilts, which I could then turn into kits to sell, was working? Sign me up! Not to mention, I really did (and still do) have the most amazingly supportive and wonderful customers!

But as the months went on, I became busier and busier- which was faulous but it also meant I had less time to sew , I found that what had once brought me so much joy was starting to become a burden- something I needed to do "for my shop". I still enjoyed it but not to the level that I once had. I also wasn't able to ever "switch off"- my mind was constantly churning and always on. Fortunately this is the point in which I finally got myself some help, Dee, my number one customer and support agreed to start helping me remotely- this made such a HUGE difference, and I'll forever be grateful she agreed to sign up for the madness- I don't think I could have continued at this stage without her!

I hope the above doesn’t come across as complaining- although it was hard work, it was enormously rewarding knowing that my business that I had built from the ground up was experiencing exponential growth.

By the end of my first year of working at Scribbly Gum full time, I was feeling severely burnt out- both from a Scribbly Gum perspective but also from a quilting perspective. Around this time, my husband and I made the decision to move back to the city (Melbourne, for a new adventure, another story in itself), so I decided to close down Scribbly Gum for one month and reset and reassess my options.

However during that month, I received a phone call from one of my favourite ex colleagues/ bosses- there was a job opportunity - in an old team that I had left a few years back and really always regretted leaving. I couldn't pass it up - but now that I had the best employee, and I was in the same location as her, surely I could have the best of both worlds and do both?

Technically, I could and did do both. But it was a juggle. And my sewing machine and quilting supplies stayed locked away. Eventually I got to the point where I realised that Scribbly Gum wasn't getting the attention it deserved, and that I wanted my hobby back. So after months and months of thinking, weighing up the pros and cons, and countless conversations with friends and family , I made the decision to sell Scribbly Gum- and guess what, Dee wanted to take it!

Now that the contract ink is (barely) dry, I feel so much lighter knowing that quilting is a hobby again- I'm excited to quilt, to design quilts, to talk about quilts, to write blog posts about quilts (hence setting up this blog) and really just share my absolute joy of quilting with you all .

On a personal note, thank you so much to every single one of you that helped me grow Scribbly Gum into what it has become so far- I couldn't have done it without you. Whether it was a lovely comment of support, a purchase, a thank you email, or even a like on a photo of a bundle on instagram, your support means so much to me. I can't wait to continue quilting along with you all, just as a customer of Scribbbly Gum Quilt Co instead of as the owner :-)


How to make: a beginner friendly, lots of squares quilt (It’s much easier than you might think)


A tale of three sewing machines- my thoughts on three different machines